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;  To enable file adoption, you must first include ADOPT on its own line.
;  Then and only then can you enable the extra features. Specifying this
;  verbs makes FSUMM look for files that exist in the directory but not
;  in FILES.BBS; they are then added to your lists.
;  There is an extended form of the ADOPT command. You must also specify the
;  verb on its own first to turn on adoption - then you may use this form.
;       ADOPT filespec posn description
;              |        |       |
;   wildcard --+        |       |
;   filename            |       +-- description to use. macros available -
;                       |           %DATE %TIME %DAY as described by Descadopt
;       where in your --+           %VER pic-files version number 87a or 89a
;       filelist to add             %X %Y pic-files horizontal/vertical size
;       this file.                  %COL pic-files number of colours used
;        |
;        +--- first character < or >. If its a < then the description is
;             added before the rest of the files. If its a > then the
;             description is added after the rest. If you specify a string
;             to search for after the character, then this will be adopted
;             before or after that. See the examples! NB Case Sensitive and
;             no spaces are allowed in this string.
;       Picture files can use the %X,%Y,%VER,%COL macros listed above. Note,
;       however, that currently only GIF and PCX files are supported with
;       this command. For PCX files, version numbers may currently be 2.5,
;       2.8, or 3.0. (pcPaintbrush IV generates version 3 PCX-files). For
;       GIF-files, 87a and 89a are used.
ADOPT *.GIF > [00] GIF%VER-File (untitled) %Xx%Yx%COL.
ADOPT *.PCX > [00] PCX v%VER-File (untitled) %Xx%Yx%COL.

;  You use this verb to specify the default description for files that get
;  adopted. You can change this for certain files with the extended form of
;  the ADOPT verb. The maximum length for this (and descriptions on all the
;  other verbs) is 128 characters.
;  You may use %DATE to add the current date, and %TIME to add the current
;  time, to your listing. Another option is %DAY which adds the Julian day
;  number.
DESCADOPT [00] File adopted on %DATE at %TIME (j.%DAY)

;  This is to list up to fifteen files that you don't want adopted on your
;  system. Specify one file per line.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson